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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Optimize Grazing Plans

Optimize Grazing Plans

Hugh Aljoe, director of producer relations at the Noble Research Institute, shares how land stewardship can aid producer profitability.... More
Tom Jones – Hy-Plains Feedyard – Progressive cattle feeder

Tom Jones – Hy-Plains Feedyard – Progressive cattle feeder

“You have to own something in your life.” That’s an unofficial motto for Tom Jones, owner-manager at Hy-Plains Feedyard near Montezuma, Kansas.... More
Vince’s Ontario Angus Reserve Beef

Vince’s Ontario Angus Reserve Beef

Vince’s Market has raised the bar a notch, with a new program that’s all about excellence – not just in terms of flavour – but in sustainability, and in supporting the local economy.... More
Steve Olson - Olson Land & Cattle - Texas rancher is CAB ambassador

Steve Olson - Olson Land & Cattle - Texas rancher is CAB ambassador

Steve and Ginger Olson, Olson Land & Cattle, in Hereford, Texas, know how to serve up hospitality for all who gather at their ranch. At the brand’s request, the ranchers also attend media events and other venues where the public can interact with cattlemen.... More
Timmerman Family – NA Timmerman Inc. – All-in Cattle Feeders

Timmerman Family – NA Timmerman Inc. – All-in Cattle Feeders

Jason Timmerman grew up riding along with his grandpa Leo. He played cattle feeder when he was little, and relished every new chore he got to do as he got older. It was in his blood.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Important AI Terms

Cow-Calf Corner - Important AI Terms

Glenn Selk explains how producers should prepare their cattle for artificial insemination.... More
Forward motion

Forward motion

Wayne Morgan, president of protein products and sustainability for Golden State Foods, talks about sustainability initiatives and what the industry should do moving forward.... More

Protein Supply Chain | Elliott Dennis

Protein Supply Chain | Elliott Dennis

Around the country fast food establishments aren't serving many items, while some grocery stores are limiting the amount of meat people can purchase. UNL Livestock Analyst Elliott Dennis answers some frequently asked questions when it comes to the meatpacking supply chain and disruptions that ar... More
Ryan Noble – Noble Ranch – Ranching for Profit

Ryan Noble – Noble Ranch – Ranching for Profit

Ryan Noble of Yuma, Colorado, ranches for a profit. It has kept Noble Ranch operating under the same family for more than a century.... More
Meat Market Minutes: Pork

Meat Market Minutes: Pork

Agricultural Economists from across the Southern Region come together to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted meat markets including beef, pork, lamb, dairy and poultry.... More
Markets with Josh Maples

Markets with Josh Maples

Josh Maples, Mississippi State University Livestock Economist, analyzes some ways the cattle industry is trying to bounce back after COVID-19 disruptions.... More
Impact of Health in Pig Production Using Modeling for Decision-Making - Dr. Johnson and Dr. Holck

Impact of Health in Pig Production Using Modeling for Decision-Making - Dr. Johnson and Dr. Holck

Today’s episode will cover Impact of Health in Pig Production Using Modeling for Decision-Making... More
Dippity Pig Syndrome

Dippity Pig Syndrome

We thought our pigs just had sunburn, then their back started giving in... we are pretty sure its just Dippity Pig Syndrome. It started the second day they were here, after a stressful 3 hr trip in a dog crate, packed in the back of a stock trailer with 4 cows.... More
Hog Producer Turns to Facebook to Sell Pigs

Hog Producer Turns to Facebook to Sell Pigs

Producers in the 10 states surveyed by Creighton University's Rural Mainstreet Index are trying to find ways to at best, break even.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says cattle processing is starting to rebound, but it will be weeks before the lag is corrected.... More


I've noticed a ewe who looks like perhaps she had some pink eye and is either temporarily blind, or permanently. So I've began treatment and hopefully she will recover.... More
Fine Tuning Your Herd

Fine Tuning Your Herd

Robbi Pritchard, a South Dakota ruminant nutritionist and consultant, talks about how cattlemen can increase the uniformity in their herd and why it matters.... More
What is the Value of Sustainability for Cattle Producers?

What is the Value of Sustainability for Cattle Producers?

We're digging into the topic of sustainability and examining what it means for beef producers – both now and in the future.... More
Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member & DCR Steve DeVries | Chicken Farmers of Ontario... More
Labor Markets Struggle to Keep and Find Workers Across the Country

Labor Markets Struggle to Keep and Find Workers Across the Country

The federal government continues to allocate money for recovery as parts of the U.S. begin to reopen - albeit cautiously.... More
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