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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
Beef Cattle Videos (1189) ›Dairy Cattle Videos (407) ›
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Monforte Dairy

Monforte Dairy

In this video we take a look inside Monforte Dairy, southwestern Ontario's premier artisanal cheese company.... More
Butchers Shops Slammed Amid Covid-Related Concerns

Butchers Shops Slammed Amid Covid-Related Concerns

Butchers Shops Slammed Amid Covid-Related Concerns.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says meat supplies will be tight over the next few weeks, and livestock producers will feel part of the pain.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Keeping Vaccines Cool

Cow-Calf Corner - Keeping Vaccines Cool

In Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk has information on the importance of properly storing and handling vaccines.... More
Woes Ripple Through Meat Supply-Chain as President Declares Packing Critical Industry

Woes Ripple Through Meat Supply-Chain as President Declares Packing Critical Industry

Woes Ripple Through Meat Supply-Chain as President Declares Packing Critical Industry.... More
One of the most important decisions in swine production, dietary energy level - Dr. John Patience

One of the most important decisions in swine production, dietary energy level - Dr. John Patience

Today’s episode will cover One of the most important decisions in swine production: dietary energy level. “If you get dietary energy right you can keep your costs as low as possible… but if you get your energy wrong, you can affect performance and net income in a negative way.” – Dr. John Patien... More
Myth-busting #2: Gestating sow feeding

Myth-busting #2: Gestating sow feeding

Our guest is Dr. Jamil Faccin, who graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Dr. Faccin worked in the biggest commercial swine company in Brazil for 4 years.... More

Microbial Diversity-The Key to Gut Health

Microbial Diversity-The Key to Gut Health

This microbial diversity 2D animation tells the story of how gut health solutions participate in normalizing gut microflora, promoting microbiome diversity to reduce the abundance of antibiotic-resistant strains.... More
DeLaval SustainabilityModel

DeLaval SustainabilityModel

Based on direct customer insight and our materiality analysis, we have developed a new sustainability model in 2019. This model focuses on three main perspectives – Environment, Food and Animal Welfare, and Social and Economic.... More
Promoting Beef During a Pandemic

Promoting Beef During a Pandemic

Buck Wehrbein, Chair of the Federation of State Beef Councils and Nebraska feedlot manager, explains how beef promotion programs have responded to the Covid-19 crisis – using social media to reach consumers with recipe ideas, advertising, and information to reassure that beef is a safe, healthy ... More
Holding Cattle Past Marketing Dates

Holding Cattle Past Marketing Dates

Paul Beck has options for cattle producers who have livestock ready for marketing.... More
Here for Canada

Here for Canada

Canadian dairy farmers continue to work tirelessly, day-in and day-out, to ensure that Canadians can feed their families with milk produced to standards among the highest in the world.... More
World meat trade declines

World meat trade declines

World Ag Outlook Chair Mark Jekanowski says USDA is forecasting a reduction in the global meat trade. Jekanowski points to anticipated production changes for the meat sector.... More
U.S. CattleTrace

U.S. CattleTrace

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, it’s important to remember that disease traceability is paramount in ag’s livestock sector. Brandon Depenbusch of U.S. CattleTrace provides a rundown on a cattle disease tracing system that could help better track beef disease in the United States.... More
From farm to client

From farm to client

Here is a virtual tour of duBreton farms. The standards we apply to ourselves are much higher than those of regular farms in Quebec and Canada. Our animals are not given any antibiotics, they have straw for their comfort and two to three times more space to express their natural behaviour.... More
Myth-busting #1: Wean-to-estrus feeding

Myth-busting #1: Wean-to-estrus feeding

Recent studies show minimal impact on future reproductive performance. Full feed thin sows only. Assuming a corn-soybean meal based diet, we recommend 3.6 kg per day for ideal and fat sows. Consult a qualified swine nutritionists first.... More
Dr. John Patience: One of the most important decisions in swine production

Dr. John Patience: One of the most important decisions in swine production

Today’s episode will cover One of the most important decisions in swine production: dietary energy level. “If you get dietary energy right you can keep your costs as low as possible… but if you get your energy wrong, you can affect performance and net income in a negative way.” – Dr. John Patien... More
Covid-19 & Animals

Covid-19 & Animals

Dr. Rosslyn Biggs has information on Covid-19 and animals, and how current evidence shows they cannot spread the virus.... More
Beef Sustainability

Beef Sustainability

Robin White of the Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences at Virginia Tech talks about the 2019 Global Agricultural Productivity Report and her research into agricultural sustainability.... More
Trying not to get discouraged. (THE HIGHS & LOWS OF LAMBING)

Trying not to get discouraged. (THE HIGHS & LOWS OF LAMBING)

Lambing isn't easy. There are issues that pop up that sometimes, even the most prepared, couldn't see coming.... More
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