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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Cow-Calf Corner - evening feeding

Cow-Calf Corner - evening feeding

Glenn Selk explains how feeding cattle later in the day can help ensure calves will be born during the daylight.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - How many heifers should you keep?

Cow-Calf Corner - How many heifers should you keep?

Glenn Selk has advice on how many heifers to retain, to ensure herd growth.... More
Preventing Needlestick Injuries - Proper Use on Swine and Hog Farms

Preventing Needlestick Injuries - Proper Use on Swine and Hog Farms

Needlestick injuries can cause serious harm to you, your workers and your overall swine operation. In this video, the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center discusses:... More
Modern pig farming

Modern pig farming

Hungary Dan-Farm - Modern pig farming... More
Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Feed withdrawal before moving broilers to the processing plant appears to increase their susceptibility to Salmonella, indicates research from the University of Georgia. When feed is withdrawn, a decrease in lactic acid production occurs, causing the pH to become more neutral. The result is an ... More
Derrell Peel Cattle Market Update

Derrell Peel Cattle Market Update

Derrell Peel has an update on cull-cow markets.... More
Beef Milk vs. Dairy Cow Milk

Beef Milk vs. Dairy Cow Milk

Dave Lalman explains the difference between milk from beef and dairy cattle and has information about the upcoming Increasing Efficiencies in Forage and Feeding Field Day.... More

Cow-Calf Corner - Winter BCS Maintenance

Cow-Calf Corner - Winter BCS Maintenance

Glenn Selk explains the importance of having cows in good body condition at calving time in the spring.... More
Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Market Analysis - Lee Schulz

Iowa State University Livestock Economist Lee Schulz discusses the latest cattle on feed report. Lee also gives his thoughts on the Iowa Pork Producers Association’s meetings in Japan and South Korea.... More
NCBA Helps Enhance Foreign Demand for Beef

NCBA Helps Enhance Foreign Demand for Beef

Kent Bacus, Director of International Trade and Market Access, shares how NCBA works to remove trade barriers and advance beef industry trade priorities.... More
Limit Feeding

Limit Feeding's Benefits

Dale Blasi, Kansas State University animal scientist, discusses limit feeding as a way to save money and labor, while improving health monitoring... More
Cow-calf Corner

Cow-calf Corner

Glenn Selk has advice for preventing grass tetany in cattle on wheat pasture.... More
Derrell Peel On Cattle Markets

Derrell Peel On Cattle Markets

Derrell Peel says cattle markets have been “so far, so good” in 2018, but he admits he is not sure if that will last into 2019.... More
IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

A recent study corroborates previous findings that broilers properly vaccinated for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) are protected from IBV challenge despite exposure to moderate levels of ammonia.... More
Cattle and Wheat Pasture

Cattle and Wheat Pasture

Paul Beck explains how to estimate the number of cattle to stock on wheat pasture.... More
Lowering Costs Without Lowering Fertility

Lowering Costs Without Lowering Fertility

Rick Funston, University of Nebraska animal scientist, talks about developing heifers economically. He spoke at the Feeding Quality Forum earlier this year. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
Bale Feeding Systems

Bale Feeding Systems

Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Extension Specialist presents a "Cull and Choice Review" of bale feeding systems comparing dry matter loss, pasture damage, and time required for feeding.... More
What the Midterm Elections Mean for Public Lands Ranchers

What the Midterm Elections Mean for Public Lands Ranchers

Heat stress in broilers induced lesions of lymphoid tissues, indicating immune system impairment, but it’s not yet known if heat stress affects the vulnerability or severity of coccidiosis, Bryan Aguanta, a graduate student at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat stress in broilers induced lesions of lymphoid tissues, indicating immune system impairment, but it’s not yet known if heat stress affects the vulnerability or severity of coccidiosis, Bryan Aguanta, a graduate student at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Growing U.S. Beef Exports

Growing U.S. Beef Exports

This year’s beef export market is running well ahead of last year’s pace. We asked Ted McKinney, the Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, to share his thoughts on the progress being made in growing U.S. beef exports.... More
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