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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Carcass Defects (horns, bruises, tag, lesions, etc.)

Carcass Defects (horns, bruises, tag, lesions, etc.)

Information is based on results from the 2017/18 National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA).... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says beef has been relatively sheltered from trade disruptions, but pork may not have the same luck.... More
Dairy Finds Profits Through Unique Partnership

Dairy Finds Profits Through Unique Partnership

Dairy Finds Profits Through Unique Partnership... More
 Lively nursery barn weanlings enjoy food, water and exercise

Lively nursery barn weanlings enjoy food, water and exercise

Hog farmer Kenny, from the RM of Springfield in Manitoba, shared this video in July 2018, showing weanling pigs at about seven to eight weeks of age in a nursery barn. The nursery barn is warm and protected from drafts, with fresh air circulating all the time. These group pens can contain as few... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains why now is the time to schedule pregnancy checks for your herd with a veterinarian.... More
Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Adding windows to poultry houses is an inexpensive way to improve the environment for broilers and possibly improve productivity, according to Rachel Lynn Dennis, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland.... More
A Look at the World Meat Congress

A Look at the World Meat Congress

We take you inside the World Meat Congress, the premier gathering of meat and livestock production experts from around the globe.... More

John Deere Equipment Helps S.C. Operation Meet Sustainability Goals

John Deere Equipment Helps S.C. Operation Meet Sustainability Goals

We introduce you to a South Carolina husband and wife team who built their Angus Seedstock operation together, as the first generation on the land. See how John Deere equipment is helping the Yon family grow their farm, while adding the second generation into the business.... More
 Egg Farmers of Canada - Our Sustainability Story

Egg Farmers of Canada - Our Sustainability Story

What does sustainability mean to Canadian egg farmers? Egg Farmers of Canada’s holistic approach to sustainability is based on five core pillars: protecting the health and welfare of our hens, delivering safe, high-quality eggs to Canadians, finding new ways to make egg production more environme... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity

Cow-Calf Corner - Nitrate Toxicity

Glenn Selk answers the old question, does harvest times of forage sorghum impact nitrate toxicity of the hay?... More
Guelph Talks Food - Big Data in Animal Agriculture

Guelph Talks Food - Big Data in Animal Agriculture

Christine Baes, professor in the department of animal biosciences, discusses the value of collecting big data on livestock (milk yield, nutrients, activity, etc.) to improve efficiencies.... More
 Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms Celebrates Opening of Primrose Sow Farm

Iowa Select Farms recently welcomed a brand new, 7,500 sow farm to our system – Primrose! To celebrate the joyous occasion, we held an open house for local neighbors, suppliers, employees and contractors.... More
Vet Scripts - Digital Dermatitis

Vet Scripts - Digital Dermatitis

Dr. Barry Whitworth says both dairy and beef cattle producers should be looking for hairy heel warts on their livestock.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel is watching how carcass size and drought conditions could impact cattle and beef markets in the second half of 2018.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Round Bale Storage

Cow-Calf Corner - Round Bale Storage

Glenn Selk offers tips on storing round bales to maximize quality.... More
 Higher Quality pigs through primal value and tenderness measurements

Higher Quality pigs through primal value and tenderness measurements

Neil Matthews, Validation Research Supervisor tells us how PIC is optimizing total carcass value by maximizing primal value, processing value and eating satisfaction.... More
Wicketthorn Farms, Lambeth, ON

Wicketthorn Farms, Lambeth, ON

"We were really impressed how bright it was, how open it was and how much airspace there was." - Craig Connell... More
New PRRS resistant genetics means more to your bottom line

New PRRS resistant genetics means more to your bottom line

Jenelle Dunkelberger, Geneticist at Topigs Norsvin tells us about her research in PRRS. She was part of a research consortium that identified a genetic marker (referred to as WUR) for a major gene associated with natural resistance to PRRS. By incorporating PRRS resistance, based on WUR genotype... More
Gestal 3G accommodates easier sow management, improved animal well-being, and decreased cost

Gestal 3G accommodates easier sow management, improved animal well-being, and decreased cost

Dr. Hyatt Frobose, Swine Nutritionist at Jyga Technologies tells us about the Gestal 3G an innovative, low-stress feeding system for managing group-housed gestating sows. The Gestal 3G combines the simplicity of a free-access stall with the accuracy and reliability of the Gestal feed delivery un... More
Growing Beef Demand Through Chefs

Growing Beef Demand Through Chefs

As an executive chef with Certified Angus Beef LLC, Ashley Breneman hosts chefs, ranchers and industry professionals at the brand’s Culinary Center in Wooster, Ohio.... More
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