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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Cow-Calf Corner: How Many Bulls To Do The Job?

Cow-Calf Corner: How Many Bulls To Do The Job?

Glenn Selk has advice for planning how many bulls to put with a herd of females.... More
 Year Round Grazing

Year Round Grazing

Ben Stuart explains how their farms in Alberta and Saskatchewan are implementing a year-round grazing operation.... More
Cattle Market Analysis - Shane Ellis

Cattle Market Analysis - Shane Ellis

Shane Ellis, Iowa State Extension livestock economist, talks about market price movements, Brazil’s meat exports and margins for cow/calf producers.... More
The Veldman Family Story: Three generations working to feed Ontario families 365 days a year

The Veldman Family Story: Three generations working to feed Ontario families 365 days a year

The Veldman Family Story: Three generations working to feed Ontario families 365 days a year... More
Fescue Seedhead Suppression Could Improve Your Herd

Fescue Seedhead Suppression Could Improve Your Herd's Performance

We head to Missouri to learn about the risks of grazing fescue and ways to protect your herd from fescue toxicosis.... More

What's The Biggest Challenge Facing The U.S. Beef Cattle Industry?

We asked cattlemen and women to share their thoughts on the biggest issues facing them in the daily effort to raise cattle and grow their family businesses.... More

Controlling Cattle Parasites With LongRange

Controlling Cattle Parasites With LongRange

We head to an operation in Montana to see the strategies they're using to protect their cattle from internal parasites.... More
Kansas 4-H Lending A Hand To Help Feed Orphan Calves

Kansas 4-H Lending A Hand To Help Feed Orphan Calves

After countless calves became orphans because of the southwestern Kansas wildfire, 4-H kids and parents stepped up to take care of them. From three-times-a-day bottle feedings to managing donated supplies from across the country, the 4-H’ers are learning by serving – and building their community... More
 Proposed Development Corporation To Help Producers

Proposed Development Corporation To Help Producers

My name is George Matheson and I'm chairman of Manitoba pork Council it's a fact that Manitoba's hog processors need more hogs to keep their plants full after a long hiatus there has been some interest shown among producers to build new or expand their existing hog operations.... More
 Why Nova Scotia

Why Nova Scotia's Arctic surf clams are such a big hit in Japan

You may not be familiar with the Arctic surf clam, but Canada, specifically Bedford, N.S., is home to the world's biggest fishery.... More
A Conversation with Michelle Sprague on Veterinarian and Pig Farmer Collaboration

A Conversation with Michelle Sprague on Veterinarian and Pig Farmer Collaboration

Dr. Michelle Sprague, veterinarian and partner at AMVC Management Services, discusses veterinarian and pig farmer collaboration during the Real Change: A Live Discussion of On-Farm Antibiotic Use broadcast.... More
Are we ignoring dietary calcium? Interview with Dr Hans Stein & Dr Ravi Ravindran

Are we ignoring dietary calcium? Interview with Dr Hans Stein & Dr Ravi Ravindran

In an interview with AB Vista, Hans Stein and Ravi Ravindran discuss projected changes in future feed formulation, with a focus on digestible calcium and digestible phosphorus.... More
Vet Scripts: Buying chicks

Vet Scripts: Buying chicks

Dr. Barry Whitworth has advice for poultry producers buying chicks.... More
 DNA Genetics Maternal Vision

DNA Genetics Maternal Vision

Dr. John Sonderman, Business Leader - Multiplication and Technical Services at DNA Genetics explains their 14,14,21 Maternal Vision that results in 2 more pigs weaned per year.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel has the latest on what he calls the current runaway cattle market.... More
Cow-Calf Corner: Body Condition Scores

Cow-Calf Corner: Body Condition Scores

Glenn Selk explains how to maintain body condition in cattle as they transition from calving to breeding season.... More

What's Happening on the Farm...Pigs

laware County Farmer, Zach Taylor shows us what goes on in a wean to finish swine operation.... More
 Raise Beef Cattle In Alberta Canada

Raise Beef Cattle In Alberta Canada

Are you looking to start a herd of beef cattle in Alberta, Canada?... More
Cattle Market Outlook With Rabo AgriFinance

Cattle Market Outlook With Rabo AgriFinance

Russell Nemetz discusses the 2017 cattle market outlook with Don Close of Rabo AgriFinance... More
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