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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Manitoba Pork Career

Manitoba Pork Career

Our pork industry is one of Manitoba’s largest industries... More
Agstar Hog Blog

Agstar Hog Blog

Combination of Variables Affecting Pork Exports... More
What exactly is a "Factory Farm"?

What exactly is a "Factory Farm"?

Often when there is a discussion of animal agriculture... More
Livestock Expansion Bills

Livestock Expansion Bills

Unicameral dealing with livestock zoning... More
 Why did you become a pig farmer?

Why did you become a pig farmer?

People decided to become pig farmers for many reasons... More

Pork Economic Update

Pork Economic Update

Dr. Steve Meyer - Pork Economic Update... More
Pork Export Challenges

Pork Export Challenges

Due to the labor dispute at the West Coast ports... More
Raise pigs?

Raise pigs?

Do you think that hormones are fed to pigs? ... More
Wean to Finish

Wean to Finish

Mystery Out of Pork Production... More
Ask A Pig Farmer

Ask A Pig Farmer

Is the pork that pig farmers supply safe to eat?... More
Annual Planning

Annual Planning

What are some components to pay attention to?... More
Look for Long

Look for Long

Term Margins with Change in Hog Futures... More
Evaluating Milking Performance

Evaluating Milking Performance

Three different aspects of teat condition... More
Bull Health And Fertility

Bull Health And Fertility

process of sperm production... More
Cattle Graze Year-Round

Cattle Graze Year-Round

UGA Extension Helping Georgia... More
Managing PRRS

Managing PRRS

Managing PRRS as new strains appear... More
Ron Plain Hog Market Analysis

Ron Plain Hog Market Analysis

The USDA expects hog receipts to fall nearly 14 percent from last year. ... More
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