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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Considerations for Hog Expansion

Considerations for Hog Expansion

Are you a hog producer thinking of expansion?... More
Challenges for Upcoming Year

Challenges for Upcoming Year

USMEF Chair Leann Saunders Addresses Goals... More
Implementing a Crisis Communication Plan

Implementing a Crisis Communication Plan

Does your operation have a crisis communication plan in place?... More
Current Picture of the Hog Market

Current Picture of the Hog Market

he current import and export situation for the hog market is experiencing effects from the global market. ... More
Energy in Swine Production

Energy in Swine Production

energy use in swine production systems.... More
Hog Market Uncertain

Hog Market Uncertain

Hog Market Uncertain... More
Local Milk Creates Jobs

Local Milk Creates Jobs

Local Milk Creates Jobs in London Ontario... More

Serfas Farms Harvest 2014 - 15 Combines In Action.

Serfas Farms Harvest 2014 - 15 Combines In Action.

Stunning grain and corn harvest video... More
Hog Industry Changes

Hog Industry Changes

AgStar’s Kent Bang explains the sow premise ID tags that will be required ... More
PEDv in 2014

PEDv in 2014

Nebraska recorded its first case of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus in December 2013. Nearly a year later, Bruce Brodersen... More
FarmOn-How A Family

FarmOn-How A Family's Lives Changed.

How One Family's Lives Changed After a 3 Minute Video by FarmOn Foundation... More
Is The Pork Industry Amidst A Fall Slump?

Is The Pork Industry Amidst A Fall Slump?

Recently the pork industry saw a drop in pork cutout and cash value prices... More
Cattle Market Analysis

Cattle Market Analysis

Mike Briggs, feedlot manager from Seward, Nebraska, analyzes cattle price movement in October. ... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk encourages producers to check udder soundness before making culling decisions.... More
Custom Hog Feeding

Custom Hog Feeding

The feed requirements of growing piglets varies from animal to animal.... More
Elevate biosecurity practices

Elevate biosecurity practices

Elevate biosecurity practices... More
Word of Caution for Pork

Word of Caution for Pork

Greenwood discusses the overall pork economics as they sit today and what is expected in the future. ... More
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