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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Swine (142) ›
PigCHAMP Mobile Review

PigCHAMP Mobile Review

Pinnacle Swine in Alberta participated in a trial using PigCHAMP Mobile Software... More
Derrell Peel Analyzes Cattle Market & Prices.

Derrell Peel Analyzes Cattle Market & Prices.

Derrell Peel analyzes the improving U.S. and Oklahoma cattle inventory numbers.... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains how to help a newborn calf breathe properly.... More
Impact of Hedging

Impact of Hedging

Impact of Hedging through 3rd Quarter 2014... More
Baxter Black: Working For Wages.

Baxter Black: Working For Wages.

It's another visit with the Cowboy Poet, Baxter Black!... More
Pork Supply and Demand

Pork Supply and Demand

Domestic demand for pork was very strong... More

What do pigs eat?

What do pigs eat?

Pigs live on farms across the United States and they all need food and water to keep them healthy and growing. So, what do pigs eat?... More
Limit Feeding

Limit Feeding

limit feeding to good use... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Analyzes U.S. trade relations with Canada and Mexico... More
Using PigCHAMP Trace Lists

Using PigCHAMP Trace Lists

Using PigCHAMP Trace Lists... More
Agstar Hog Blog

Agstar Hog Blog

USDA Pork Export Data Report ... More
Tough Message

Tough Message

American Farm Bureau Convention... More
Showcasing New SowChoice Systems

Showcasing New SowChoice Systems

electronic sow feeding system... More
Hog Market Analysis

Hog Market Analysis

analyzes numbers from the USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report ... More
Agstar hog blog

Agstar hog blog

Outlook for Livestock and Poultry in 2015... More
Pig Progress meets Chr Hansen

Pig Progress meets Chr Hansen

During EuroTier this November... More
Canadian Beef Exports 2015

Canadian Beef Exports 2015

Beef producers in Canada ... More
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