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Poultry Farming Videos

Watch educational poultry farming videos about chickens, turkeys, and other fowl from poultry farmers and researchers. Learn about the latest news in the poultry farming industry, as well as how to take care better care of poultry. Videos discuss poultry science, feeding, antibiotic usage, handling, and more.
E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

E. Coli Vaccination Helps Contain Losses in Broilers with IB Infection

Field experience with infectious bronchitis (IB) in broilers during a harsh winter demonstrated that vaccination for secondary Escherichia coli infection helped stem losses, according to Kalen Cookson, DVM, MAM.... More

California's Poultry Threatened by Newcastle Disease

As U.S. and Chinese trade officials plan another round of talks, there is a deal in the works to improve poultry exports to China.... More
Biosecurity Expert Sees More Room For Improvement On Poultry Farms

Biosecurity Expert Sees More Room For Improvement On Poultry Farms

Biosecurity on commercial poultry farms has come a long way but still has far to go, Joseph Giambrone, PhD, professor of poultry science, Auburn University, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Can Water Treatments Help Reduce Salmonella Levels Before Processing?

Feed withdrawal before moving broilers to the processing plant appears to increase their susceptibility to Salmonella, indicates research from the University of Georgia. When feed is withdrawn, a decrease in lactic acid production occurs, causing the pH to become more neutral. The result is an ... More
IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

IBV Vaccination Protects Broilers Despite Ammonia Exposure

A recent study corroborates previous findings that broilers properly vaccinated for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) are protected from IBV challenge despite exposure to moderate levels of ammonia.... More
Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat Stress may Impair Immune System in Broilers

Heat stress in broilers induced lesions of lymphoid tissues, indicating immune system impairment, but it’s not yet known if heat stress affects the vulnerability or severity of coccidiosis, Bryan Aguanta, a graduate student at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Halting in Ovo Vaccination not a Good Option for Managing Hatchery Bacteria

Halting in Ovo Vaccination not a Good Option for Managing Hatchery Bacteria

Higher 7-day mortality from bacterial infections in the hatchery is no reason to stop in ovo vaccination for Marek’s and other diseases, according to a consulting poultry veterinarian.... More

Uncertain Supplies Present Challenges for Rotation-Minded Producers

Uncertain Supplies Present Challenges for Rotation-Minded Producers

Poultry producers know the importance of developing a long-term strategy for maintaining the efficacy of anticoccidials, but sometimes unexpected backorders of feed medications in high demand force poultry companies to resort to plan B or C.... More
Vaccination of Broilers ‘Quick and Easy’ Way to get Salmonella Under Control

Vaccination of Broilers ‘Quick and Easy’ Way to get Salmonella Under Control

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella may be the best and most expedient option for producers struggling to meet USDA performance standards at the processing plant, said Chuck Hofacre, DVM, PhD, president of the Southern Poultry Research Group Inc., Athens, Georgia.... More
Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Let There be light: Early Exposure to UV Aids Broiler Behavior, Performance

Adding windows to poultry houses is an inexpensive way to improve the environment for broilers and possibly improve productivity, according to Rachel Lynn Dennis, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland.... More
 Egg Farmers of Canada - Our Sustainability Story

Egg Farmers of Canada - Our Sustainability Story

What does sustainability mean to Canadian egg farmers? Egg Farmers of Canada’s holistic approach to sustainability is based on five core pillars: protecting the health and welfare of our hens, delivering safe, high-quality eggs to Canadians, finding new ways to make egg production more environme... More
Mycoplasma Synoviae Control: Urgent Issue for US Poultry Industry

Mycoplasma Synoviae Control: Urgent Issue for US Poultry Industry

The US poultry industry is reporting more problems with virulent Mycoplasma synoviae (MS), Naola Ferguson, DVM, associate professor at the University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella can help poultry producers reduce the pathogen’s prevalence at processing and may also benefit bird performance, Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical research, Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Vaccination Protects Broilers from IBV Despite Exposure to Moderate Ammonia Levels

Vaccination Protects Broilers from IBV Despite Exposure to Moderate Ammonia Levels

Properly vaccinated commercial broilers are protected from an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) challenge despite exposure to moderate ammonia levels, according to a study that surprised researchers.... More
Learn About: Why Egg Farmers Use Cages

Learn About: Why Egg Farmers Use Cages

This video from Alberta Farm Animal Care explains the reasons why farmers use cages to house hens.... More
Chick Champs Brooding Method

Chick Champs Brooding Method

Dr. Martine Boulianne explains the Chick Champs Brooding Method, an attentive brooding model used to give chicks a strong start.... More
 Canadian Chicken: A good choice for Canada. A Good choice for Canadians

Canadian Chicken: A good choice for Canada. A Good choice for Canadians

If you ate chicken this week (or if you're planning to), thank a Canadian chicken farmer.... More
Farmer Profile - Mark Siemens, Egg Farmer

Farmer Profile - Mark Siemens, Egg Farmer

Listen to Mark express his understanding of why listening to consumers and believing in building trust with them is important for the future of farming.... More
Two Symposia On Poultry Enteric Disease Set Stage For 2018 AAAP Conference

Two Symposia On Poultry Enteric Disease Set Stage For 2018 AAAP Conference

Two symposia focused on enteric disease in poultry will be held immediately prior to the 2018 American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) annual conference set for this July in Denver.... More
 Innovative And Entrepreneurial Women Leadership

Innovative And Entrepreneurial Women Leadership

Chicken Farmers of Ontario Women In Leadership... More
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