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Rural Lifestyle Videos

Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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What is carbon conversion?

What is carbon conversion?

Carbon conversion is one solution being pursued to address the climate crisis: turning man-made carbon dioxide emissions into valuable products ranging from carbon fibre and concrete to fish food to vodka. This video explains the process and highlights the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, an internation... More
Lagoon Agitation Boat / Hauling Liquid Manure!

Lagoon Agitation Boat / Hauling Liquid Manure!

SaskDutch Kid - Lagoon Agitation Boat / Hauling Liquid Manure!... More
Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought 2

Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought 2

Canadian Federation of Agriculture - Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought 2 Canadian farmers need your help. COVID-19 has caused major disruptions throughout Canada's food supply system, and without support Canadian consumers could see higher prices and a lack of availability at the groce... More
Highlights from the first year of Miravis® fungicide in Canada

Highlights from the first year of Miravis® fungicide in Canada

Thank you for helping us make the first year of Miravis® fungicides a great one! Here are just a few of the Miravis® highlights from the field we captured this season.... More
Speech on the September 23, 2020 Speech from the Throne

Speech on the September 23, 2020 Speech from the Throne

Speech on the September 23, 2020 Speech from the Throne | The Hon. Rob Black, Senator... More
Josiah & Chris Mullet Koop, Egg & Grape Farmers, Niagara, Ontario

Josiah & Chris Mullet Koop, Egg & Grape Farmers, Niagara, Ontario

Josiah & Chris Mullet Koop, Egg & Grape Farmers, Niagara, Ontario | The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity... More
I bought my dream truck!

I bought my dream truck!

South Sask Farmer - I bought my dream truck! (go be petty somewhere else)... More

Broke tie rods and chasing cows!

Broke tie rods and chasing cows!

South Sask Farmer - Broke tie rods and chasing cows!... More
Alternative Voting

Alternative Voting

Manitoba Agriculture - Alternative Voting... More
Cows Can Break Walls and Dig Holes!?

Cows Can Break Walls and Dig Holes!?

In this video we watched some canola being swathed. Then did some maintenance around the corrals. Brought the Fendt 942 back to @Full Line Ag , and finished off the day hauling some grain!... More
Pumpkin Carving a Work of Art for One Floyd County Resident

Pumpkin Carving a Work of Art for One Floyd County Resident

I'm guessing by now most of you have picked out a pumpkin, bought one of these and carved out your own little masterpiece, Right? well, for floyd country artist jeremy smith, this time of year and pumpkin carving takes on a whole new meaning.... More
Monumental Impacts on Western Stakeholders

Monumental Impacts on Western Stakeholders

Elections have consequences.For those in the middle of a generations-long cultural debate, the back and forth over western land use can be a monumental task.... More
Join in on a Virtual Regatta

Join in on a Virtual Regatta

This virtual regatta is a fun and challenging activity for boat enthusiast, join in from the comfort of your home. Brought to you by Vendee Globe.... More
Protein for Bone Health: Evidence Update and Implications for Practice

Protein for Bone Health: Evidence Update and Implications for Practice

Dairy Farmers of Canada - Watch this webinar to learn more about the role of protein on bone health. Key topics: Overview and state of evidence on protein as it relates to bone health Current intakes of bone-health supporting nutrients Protein quantity and quality for optimal bone hea... More
Tractor Maintenance and Discing FIre Guards

Tractor Maintenance and Discing FIre Guards

Northern farmer - We do some spring Maintenance and work up the dirt for fire guards!!... More
Autumn in Alberta

Autumn in Alberta

Autumn in Alberta - Cows enjoying the fall colours.... More
The Grove at Western Fair District

The Grove at Western Fair District

Here is a look back at what has been accomplished within The Grove at Western Fair District’s first year. As a not-for-profit agricultural society, we couldn’t be more thrilled with The Grove and our continued mission of supporting agriculture in our community.... More
Cleaning the chicken corral!

Cleaning the chicken corral!

South Sask Farmer - Cleaning the chicken corral!... More
Happy Family Day!

Happy Family Day!

As you gather with loved ones for Family Day, BASF wanted to take a minute to celebrate and say thank you to all the agriculture families who work hard every day to deliver healthy, affordable food to fellow Canadian families, and families all over the world. As Blaine Gatez says: “Family, and b... More

Ontario's Agricultural Workers and Employee's Associations

Learn more about Ontario's agricultural worker's labour rights under the Agricultural Employees Protection Act, 2002... More
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