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Commodity Markets & COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Commodity Markets & COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Streamed live on April 16th 2020, this roundtable of our FBN marketing experts answered key questions around market volatility, prospects for Chinese demand, the impacts of COVID-19 on ag markets, and much more.... More
Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report / Economic update for the agri-food industry

Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report / Economic update for the agri-food industry

The Bank of Canada decided today to leave their overnight rate unchanged and published its quarterly Monetary Policy Report. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais takes a look at some of the projections from the Bank of Canada.... More
Early-Season Bacterial Blight in Soybeans

Early-Season Bacterial Blight in Soybeans

Bacterial blight typically shows up later in the growing season starting in the upper canopy. During the 2020 growing season, we have seen wind, hail, frost and cutworm damage to young soybean plants, which have opened plants up to infection. As the disease is bacterial, foliar fungicide cannot ... More
BUTEO Start Seed Treatment Trial

BUTEO Start Seed Treatment Trial

Bayer Crop Science Sales Rep compares Seed Treatment Trials in Saskatchewan.... More
Canola Watch: Products to clean clubroot spores from scouting tools

Canola Watch: Products to clean clubroot spores from scouting tools

As agronomists and farmers prepare their scouting kits, be sure to include sodium hypochlorite bleach or SprayNine – which can remove up to 100% of clubroot resting spores from scouting tools and boots. Go to for more clubroot managment tips.... More
Spraying Spraying, and More Spraying

Spraying Spraying, and More Spraying

The One Saskatchewan Farm Boy - Spraying Spraying, and More Spraying... More
How to set net tension on R-series balers

How to set net tension on R-series balers

Net tension and net spread work in tandem. Proper netwrap tension ensures the net will spread across the full width of the bale, grip the bale tightly and allow for a clean cut. On the 604 R-series balers, net tension can be adjusted from your control system in the cab, learn how by watching thi... More

Flea Beetles and Lumiderm | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Flea Beetles and Lumiderm | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Across Western Canada, flea beetles are causing significant damage to canola crops and growers have asked for a better siltuin. Lumiderm(TM) insecticide seed treatment offers a new way to obtain enhanced flea beetle protection on both crucifer and striped flea beetles for your canola crop.... More
Guidance and Steering - Farmer Pain Points

Guidance and Steering - Farmer Pain Points

Time is money, and no farmer we’ve ever met has the spare time to deal with nuisances like overlapping rows or manually steering their tractor checking on their implements and all this in inclement weather. That’s why we’ve created a full-farm management solution. We want to give farmers lik... More
Warriors for Wheat - 50th Anniversary Book of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association

Warriors for Wheat - 50th Anniversary Book of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association

The Warriors for Wheat covers the second 25 years of the organization’s history, from 1995-2020. A previous book, Changing the Voice of the Prairie Wheat Grower, was published in 1995 to tell the story of our first 25 years.... More
Grower Declaration of Crop Eligibility

Grower Declaration of Crop Eligibility

The Canada-U.S.-Mexico (CUSMA) trade agreement means some important changes for growers. The Canada Grain Commission (CGC) has advised on requirements for growers under this new trade agreement including making it mandatory for people, including licensed grain companies, who sell grain to a CGC ... More
Spring Wheat Harvest Literally

Spring Wheat Harvest Literally

Putting the "spring" into spring wheat by harvesting it in the spring. This in not the normal practice but 2019 was by no means normal. A very wet fall prevented some guys from harvesting their crop(s) - especially if they didn't want ruts from one end of the field to the other. The scenario end... More
A canola update on trade with China

A canola update on trade with China

Canola Council of Canada president, Jim Everson, and CCGA CEO, Rick White, provide an update for canola growers on trade with China and answering key questions.... More
The importance of knowing your soybean herbicide system | Corteva Agriscience Canada

The importance of knowing your soybean herbicide system | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Territory Manager, Chad Garrod discusses the importance of knowing the differences in soybean herbicide systems.... More
Herbicide Trials at Farming Smarter Plot Shots

Herbicide Trials at Farming Smarter Plot Shots

Farming Smarter Executive Director talks about the work we do as a third party, unbiased research source in herbicide trials. He gives a tour of some plots while explaining how we record/rate action by various treatments on crops and/or weeds. Our data forms part of the country-wide data perform... More
How Canadian Farmers Improve Sustainability through Precision Agriculture

How Canadian Farmers Improve Sustainability through Precision Agriculture

Clinton Monchuk, Exec. Dir. Food & Farm Care Saskatchewan, a 3rd generation Canadian farmer discusses how precision agriculture has impacted the health and sustainability of today’s farms. Dirt is the life blood of all farms. Through precision agriculture, farmers know where to put what is neede... More
Clubroot Management - Summary

Clubroot Management - Summary

Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease of canola and other cruciferous crops which will result in reduced yield and can ultimately cause wilting or premature death of the plant. This video provides a summary on clubroot management.... More
Seeding with John Deere, Seedhawk and Bourgault Equipment

Seeding with John Deere, Seedhawk and Bourgault Equipment

Multiple John Deere tractors pulling Seedhawk and Bourgault seeding equipment in Saskatchewan. Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on social networks, by showcasing quality photos and viral videos of small family farms to ... More


Demco 3-Point Fertilizer Toolbar

Demco 3-Point Fertilizer Toolbar

Watch Demco's 3-point fertilizer toolbar with 1,200 gallon SideQuest tanks in action. Demco toolbars are available in 30', 40', and 60' widths.... More
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