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The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA), founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit grassroots farm organization.... More
Farm Bureau Backs Fire Aid Legislation

Farm Bureau Backs Fire Aid Legislation

Critical summer Idaho range goes up in smoke this past week near Cambridge forcing ranchers to move cattle weeks early.... More
BASF | 2020 Precision Decision Webinar

BASF | 2020 Precision Decision Webinar

Watch the recording of the Precision Decision 2020 Herbicide Resistance Management Webinar. Learn from the experts as they discuss a multi-faceted approach to herbicide resistance management, including the use of herbicide layering and precision technology.... More
An Introduction to the Environmental Farm Plan

An Introduction to the Environmental Farm Plan

A brief overview of the Environmental Farm Plan in Manitoba. How to get involved and the benefits of participating.... More
Land Rent in Manitoba Characteristics of Good Land Rental Agreements

Land Rent in Manitoba Characteristics of Good Land Rental Agreements

A discussion on land rent in Manitoba. Today we discuss land rental characteristics that make for good land rental agreements.... More
Precision Agriculture for Everyone

Precision Agriculture for Everyone

If you’re still becoming familiar with all of the different ways precision ag technology can help you and your farm operation, watch our video to see how all of our solutions work together to help you.... More
Guide for Grant Applicants: 2020 Farm to School Canada Grants

Guide for Grant Applicants: 2020 Farm to School Canada Grants

Is your school connecting students to healthy, local food? Are you providing them with hands-on opportunities to learn about sustainable regional food systems?... More

Tips for Time Management

Tips for Time Management

This webinar looks at why time management is important, how to plan for time management, techniques for managing procrastination and finally some tips for time management.... More
AWC: Cassidy Kirsch shares the benefits she received from attending the conference

AWC: Cassidy Kirsch shares the benefits she received from attending the conference

Cassidy Kirsch, Client Relationship Manager with Scotiabank, believes every woman in the sector should attend the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference.... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 9: MP Francis Drouin

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 9: MP Francis Drouin

In episode nine, Erin chats with Liberal Ag Committee member and MP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Francis Drouin. The two discuss the impact of the Prime Minister’s recent decision to prorogue parliament, the importance of investing in research, and the Liberal government’s vision for agricult... More
Creating new fields

Creating new fields

Picking rocks off the new field.... More
The Manitoba Protein Advantage

The Manitoba Protein Advantage

Make Manitoba your destination for sustainable plant and animal protein production, processing and innovation. Manitoba has many advantages that make it an ideal location to invest, build and grow your protein business including: close proximity to plant and animal protein supply, excellent tran... More
The 5 S’s to embracing change

The 5 S’s to embracing change

Toni Newman, speaker and professional innovation catalyst on how to embrace change and the 5 S’s that can help you create ideas and sell them to others. Filmed at the FCC Women in Ag Summit. The 5 S’s: 1. Surprise – create an experience to share the idea that will surprise them 2. Strategic... More
Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought

Support Canadian Farmers - Food for Thought

Canadian farmers need your help. COVID-19 has caused major disruptions throughout Canada's food supply system, and without support Canadian consumers could see higher prices and a lack of availability at the grocery store.... More
Land reclamation in Canada

Land reclamation in Canada's oil and natural gas industry: Animated explainer

Did you know all lands disturbed by oil and natural gas production are reclaimed? Oil and gas producers are required by law to return the lands, once they are finished with them, back to an equivalent, self-sustaining ecosystem with native plants, soil and so on.... More
FCC Virtual Event Recording: Smart estate plans for farming families with Dr. Tom Deans

FCC Virtual Event Recording: Smart estate plans for farming families with Dr. Tom Deans

On July 14, Join Annessa Good, FCC Ag Transition Specialist, hosted an interview with Dr. Tom Deans, The New York Times Top-Ten Author of Willing Wisdom which remains the best-selling Canadian estate planning book of all-time. This is a recording of that virtual event.... More
USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program Reaches 50 Million

USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program Reaches 50 Million

USDA Farmers to Families Food Box Program Reaches 50 Million.... More
Environmental Sustainable Food Production

Environmental Sustainable Food Production

Dr Kim Ominski, Professor and Associate Head at the University of Manitoba, lectures on the topic of Environmental Sustainable Food Production at the Food and Nutrition Forum 2019, the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.... More
New handling system from Lakeland Group

New handling system from Lakeland Group

Straight Pipe Acres - New handling system from Lakeland Group... More
The importance of staying sun-safe | Corteva Agriscience Canada

The importance of staying sun-safe | Corteva Agriscience Canada

Territory Manager, Grace Jones, talks about The importance of staying sun-safe | Corteva Agriscience Canada... More
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