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Watch videos on a variety of topics that complement the farming lifestyle. See country and folk music videos, sports news and stories, harvest footage, food videos, and anything else that goes with life on a farm.
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Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 5: “The Food Professor” Dr. Sylvain Charlebois

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 5: “The Food Professor” Dr. Sylvain Charlebois

In episode five, Erin is joined by “The Food Professor” Dr. Sylvain Charlebois for a chat about food security and prices, the government’s role in the agricultural sector, and the ‘buy local’ movement.... More
Cleaning the chicken corral

Cleaning the chicken corral

South Sask Farmer - Cleaning the chicken corral... More
Fixing Wheel Loader and Cleaning Pack Barn

Fixing Wheel Loader and Cleaning Pack Barn

SaskDutch Kid - Fixing Wheel Loader and Cleaning Pack Barn... More
Trailer | Episode 2: Next Generation Farming | Real Farm Lives

Trailer | Episode 2: Next Generation Farming | Real Farm Lives

Real Farm Lives - Trailer | Episode 2: Next Generation Farming | Real Farm Lives... More
Awesome Progress Clearing land on our farm

Awesome Progress Clearing land on our farm

Awesome Progress Clearing land on our farm! Come along today as we keep working toward clearing this 22 acre pasture for our farm's expansion... More
Maizex Moving: The Importance of Evaluating Hybrids on Clay Soils

Maizex Moving: The Importance of Evaluating Hybrids on Clay Soils

Maizex Agronomy Lead Greg Stewart visits with Julie Maw of Mooremaw Farms to discuss the plot they are planting in Lambton County. Julie is a Maizex Seeds dealer who has advocated for more plots in her area in order to provide her local customers with ideas and tips on how to work with the "Lamb... More
Minimizing Issues Seeding Faba Beans

Minimizing Issues Seeding Faba Beans

Sherrilyn Phelps, Agronomy Manager with Saskatchewan Pulse Growers talks about best practices and ways to minimize issues when seeding faba beans.... More

Trailer | Episode 1: Meet the Sawyers | Real Farm Lives

Trailer | Episode 1: Meet the Sawyers | Real Farm Lives

Real Farm Lives - Trailer | Episode 1: Meet the Sawyers | Real Farm Lives... More
Refinancing Your Land Loan: Maximize Savings & Opportunities

Refinancing Your Land Loan: Maximize Savings & Opportunities

There’s never been a better time to take advantage of historically low farmland interest rates. In this informative pre-recorded webinar, learn how you can save money and take advantage of opportunities when you refinance your land loan.... More
Case IH 500 with Triples Seeding Oats in Northern Saskatchewan

Case IH 500 with Triples Seeding Oats in Northern Saskatchewan

Dry conditions leading into June allowed Saskatchewan farmers to nearly complete seeding in all areas of the province, as per the recent crop report. The only thing needed now: rain. Auger Agriculture has been pushing the boundaries of high-quality agricultural content for over five years on... More
All the grain crops are in the DIRT We did 8 different canola trials

All the grain crops are in the DIRT We did 8 different canola trials

Straight Pipe Acres - All the grain crops are in the DIRT We did 8 different canola trials... More
Inflation - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Inflation - COVID-19 Economic update for the agri-food industry

Statistics Canada's release of inflation numbers for May contains no surprises. Overall, we see deflation and an increase in meat prices year-over-year. FCC's VP & Chief Ag Economist J.P. Gervais provides an update.... More
White Massey Corn Planting Combo

White Massey Corn Planting Combo

Planting corn in Manitoba with a White 8500 planter - 24-row on 30" row spacing with a Massey Ferguson 8690 MFWD 4WD tractor.... More
Awesome Spring Day On The Dairy

Awesome Spring Day On The Dairy

SaskDutch Kid - Awesome Spring Day On The Dairy... More
Canadian Agricultural Partnership Agriculture Training Support Program

Canadian Agricultural Partnership Agriculture Training Support Program

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership opened the Agriculture Training Support program to support the agricultural and horticultural businesses and services to help address the impact of COVID-19. This video covers the program purpose, eligible applicants, eligible activities, and where to fi... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 4: Fireside Chat with Pierre Petelle

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 4: Fireside Chat with Pierre Petelle

In episode 4, Erin chats with Pierre Petelle, the President and CEO of CropLife Canada. They discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian agriculture, the need for regulatory reform and modernization, and how the industry can “own the podium” in 2021.... More
DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag

DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag

Soil Compaction Maps. MY AGRO. - DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag (20,000 ac). Olds College. Alberta, Canada... More
Putting Seed In The Ground

Putting Seed In The Ground

SaskDutch Kid - Putting Seed In The Ground... More
TeamViewer, Trimble Agriculture, and GPS Ontario, join forces for remote support in Agriculture

TeamViewer, Trimble Agriculture, and GPS Ontario, join forces for remote support in Agriculture

Trimble Agriculture has joined forces with Teamviewer to provide a more user friendly experience with the Newest Android displays. By installing the Teamviewer Quick Support app on the Trimble TMX-2050, XCN-2050, GFX-750, XCN-1050 and the new GFX-350 you can share your in field screen activity w... More
Staging Field Pea Crops

Staging Field Pea Crops

The best window for many in-crop broadleaf herbicide options is between the 2nd and 6th node stages. Later applications can cause injury, so staging is everything! Leave out scale nodes (above or below ground) at the base of the stem and unopened stipule leaves at the top. Count true leaf nodes... More
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