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Focused on Unlocking Customer Value, Deere Announces New Operating Model

MOLINE, Illinois — Deere & Company (DE) today announced a new vision and operating model in order to accelerate its success in the integration of smart technology innovation with Deere's legacy of manufacturing excellence.
The Deere Smart Industrial strategy is designed to unlock new value for customers and to help them become more profitable and sustainable, while simultaneously revolutionizing the agriculture and construction industries through the rapid introduction of new technologies.
To ensure success, actions will be concentrated on the following three focus areas:
Production Systems: A strategic alignment of products and solutions around Production Systems roadmaps – which capitalizes on Deere's industry-leading knowledge of its customers and how they work. The new production systems structure enables the company to drive an integrated product roadmap and related investments that span all aspects of a customer's jobs and to more fully meet customer needs.
Technology Stack: Investments in technology as well as research and development that deliver intelligent solutions to Deere customers through an intuitive technology stack made up of hardware, embedded software, connectivity, data platforms, and applications. The Deere family of "smart" machines, systems, and solutions unlocks customer economic value through enhanced precision, automation, speed, and efficiency not possible previously.
Lifecycle Solutions: The enterprise integration of Deere's aftermarket and support capabilities to more effectively manage customer equipment, service, and technology needs across the full lifetime of a John Deere product, and with a specific lifecycle solution focus on the ownership experience.
"As Deere businesses and those of its customers become more competitive and dynamic, Deere's track record of technological innovation puts it in a position to anticipate, respond, and outpace those dynamics by offering cutting-edge solutions to enhance customers' productivity, profitability, and sustainability," said John May, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "The new operating model represents a leap forward in performance for the company from an already strong starting point."
Source : John Deere

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Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

For over 25 years, Ontario Federation of Agriculture members have trusted Better Farming as a source for information to help them farm profitably, with insights and best practices for cash cropping, soil health, pest and weed control, livestock, and farm business management.

Watch this video to learn more about Better Farming and its relationship with producers across Ontario.

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To our OFA farming readers, thank you for your time and your trust, for 25 years now. We look forward to continuing the journey with you.