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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of June 13 , 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

At first glance o verall hay price increased on this report compared to the previous report . Small lots of small square bales have influenced the price. C ompared to the previous report hay prices are steady to weaker for larger packaged hay . Lower quality round bale hay was discounted at some auctions . Overall the c omments were of adequate supply from most markets with little buying interest .

For Nebraska , all types of hay sold steady on a thin test. The report from the country is weather is cooperating to harvest dry hay with above average tonnage .

For Iowa , some first cut hay quality is suffering from rained on hay. The current weather pattern should allow farmers to wrap up first crop. Market is lower with lim ited interest in hay.

In South Dakota , limited trades have been made this week as demand is light at best with lower undertones for price . About 50% o f hay sales w ere 2016 crop. First cutting is wrap p ing up in t he state .

In I llinois , demand for hay was moderate to good, with moderate market activity , for light to moderate offerings with prices holding steady . Some farmers are watching weather to finish first crop , while others are ready to start second crop.

For Missouri, nearly every piece of hay equipment was in the field this past week . Hay yield has provided a heavy supply of hay, with light demand, and steady prices. Many farmers are pricing hay i n the field for some early sales .

The first reports of wheat harvest were mad e this week and new crop straw will be available soon .

In Southwest Minnesota, good activity at the market this week with limited quality alfalfa h ay offered . Prices were steady to weaker, good volume, with light demand .

In Wisconsin , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions . Prices we re steady this week with small square bales supporting the hay market .

Hay harvest in Wisconsin is the tale of two season s, as some high quality forage was harvested prior to June 1 and wet weather has delayed harvest in man yareas in the state . S mall square bale price has moved up to $ 4 . 00 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 5 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price de creased $ 3 .00 a bale this week , with comments of poor quality straw at a few auctions. The average price is $ 3 0 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 5 . 00 to $ 47 .00); and large round bale straw had only one reported sale of $ 34 .00 per bale, which was $ 17 .00 higher than the last report.

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