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HerdWhistle Announces Installation with Largest Feedlot Operator in Canada

HerdWhistle today announced the company's inaugural installation at one of the 8 VRP feedlots in Alberta. VRP is the largest feedlot operator in Canada with 150,000 head capacity across its network. The installation was facilitated by HerdWhistle's Canadian distribution partner, UFA.

HerdWhistle provides 24/7 monitoring of cattle well being. RFID sensors at the water troughs and feed bunks track each animal's feeding and drinking behaviour in order to detect the subclinical signs of illness, injury or distress. Feedlot operators then receive alerts of potential illness up to 7 days sooner than normal.

The installation at VRP is significant because it is the first installation of the RFID monitoring system which included more than 1 kilometer of RFID track to monitor the cattle pens. When the system is fully operational VRP will receive the subclinical data for eating and drinking behavior for the monitored pens. It is the first time in history all cattle in the pens have been able to be continually monitored 24/7.

''HerdWhistle is bringing that extra bump of efficiency that the industry desperately needs at this moment in time. Our colleagues at UFA call HerdWhistle a game changer. We are looking forward to bringing this technology to all North American feedlot operations,'' said Patrick Charest, President & CEO of HerdWhistle Technologies Inc.

HerdWhistle was designed to install without any disruption to feedlot operators. Teams of skilled technicians work to assemble and install all of the equipment as efficiently and safely as possible without getting in the way of the feedlot worker's daily duties. 

UFA will be working with feedlots across Canada to install HerdWhistle monitoring systems. HerdWhistle is currently in the process of setting up distribution in the United States.

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