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Staff from U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Committees Tour Manitoba

By Bruce Cochrane

The chair of Manitoba Pork's public relations committee says a recent visit by staff of the U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Committees provided an opportunity to showcase agriculture in the province and discuss key issues.

Earlier this month, Manitoba Pork hosted a tour organized by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Embassy in Washington, of central and southeastern Manitoba involving staff from the U.S. Senate and House Committees on Agriculture.

The group visited Starlite Colony near Starbuck, a hemp field near Miami, a mixed farm near Roland, the border crossing at Emerson and the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre.
Manitoba Pork public relations committee chair Scott Peters says the event provided an opportunity for the visitors to learn about agriculture in Manitoba and discuss key issues.

Scott Peters-Manitoba Pork:
The first half of the van ride was just getting know everybody because nobody really knew anybody inside the van because they were from all over the U.S. and all over Manitoba.

It was interesting that some of the people from Nebraska and Arkansas and they all ended up in Washington.
One guy was from Brandon, he ended up in Washington.
I thought that was interesting.

The second half of the van ride, mostly after lunch, we sort of perked up a bit and started discussing some of the political issues between the two countries.

Of course we discussed COOL and the effects of the disruption of the live pig transport to the U.S. from Canada and how, of course, the losses on the financial side are estimated to be around $3,000,000,000 and how much detriment that had to our industry.

It also slowed expansion and ultimately killed some of the smaller farms.

There wasn't enough profit to expand and to upgrade some of their facilities so it's been a very negative thing to the industry.

Peters says the message was well received and there appeared to be agreement that COOL has been very hard on the pork industry and a recognition that there should be a freer flow of animal movements across the border.

Source: Farmscape

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