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Weed Control Always Important

Weed control is top of mind for farmers that didn't get their fall application done last year because of the late harvest.
Getting good weed control coverage is key to help with spring seeding and crop emergence. 
Saskatchewan's Weed Control Specialist Clark Brenzil says when it comes to the application, you want to make sure you have good weed growth and a warm sunny day.
"Things like some of your contact products and your glyphosate products have a very high affinity for organic matter. So, therefore they get bound up by the material, the organic material within the plant of the contact products. They really don't require a whole lot of time, they may only require a period of hours to get that effect underway and get weeds controlled."
He notes for systemic products like Glyphosate they may take 24 to 48 hours to get fully absorbed by the plant.
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