Detailed Description
Exact Apply, Signature edition, 6000L/1600Galon steel solution tank, JD Link modem, Integrated Starfire 7000 receiver, Gen IV 4600 Command center, AutoTrac activation & 4.0 Automation, Ultimate comfort package, Active Seat 2, Cat4 cab filtration, 9.0L FT4 dual turbo engine, VF380/105R50 tires, Standard solution pump, Automation control with pressure recirculation and product reclaim, Front fill, 120 foot steel boom with 20 inch spacing, Auto boom leveling, Boom air purge, Ultimate visibility package, LED lights, Mobile weather, Airbag protection, Fenders for floatation tires, Extended Warranty, 800LSW float tires
Additional Description
Boom Leveling: Yes, Boom Width: 120-Foot, Guidance Display: Yes, Guidance Receiver: Yes, Guidance-ready: Yes, Nozzle Spacing: 20 in, Options: ExactApply, Tank: Stainless, Tire Width: Narrow, Traction Control: Yes, Specifications: Signature edition; 6000L/1600Galon steel solution tank; JDLink modem; Integrated Starfire 7000 receiver, Gen IV 4600 Command center, AutoTrac activation & 4.0 Automation; Ultimate comfort package; ActiveSeat2; Cat4 cab filtration; Stage 5 9.0L FT4 dual turbo engine; VF380/105R50 tires; Standard solution pump; Automation control with pressure recirculation and product reclaim; Front fill; 120 foot steel boom with 20 inch spacing, Auto boom leveling, Boom air purge; Ultimate visibility package; LED lights; Mobile weather; Airbag protection; Fenders for floatation tires;