New Holland 1052 BALE RETRIEVER

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$7,250   USD

(approximately $10,434  CAD)

Equipment Specification

Category:Hay and Forage
Sub-Category:Bale Wagons / Retrievers
Manufacturer:New Holland
Serial number:1052

Detailed Description

Retriever mounts on back of 1 1/2 or 2 ton truck. It will pick up hay that has been stacked with a bale wagon for transport to another location. It will handle 55-106 2 wide stack or 33-160 three wide stack. It is used to pick up after a balewagon and take to the storage yard or barn. If the distance is quite a ways this allows the bale wagon to continue picking up hay. For distances of 2 or 3 miles or more it is much faster than a balewagon. It is also a better way to deliver hay which has been sold. It takes 17 1/2 feet roof clearance in the barn, therefore pull type bale wagons may need more roof height than they are used to.

Dove Creek Implement Inc.

PO Box 546
Dove Creek,  CO, United States

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