Additional Description
Fertilizer: Other, Frame: Wing Fold, Hopper: Mini, Metering System: Exact Emerge, Options: Electric Drive, Row Command: Yes, Row Spacing: 30 in, Rows: 16, Specifications: MaxEmerge 5e Package; Central Commodity System; Liquid Fertilizer and Frame Mounted Single Disk Fertilizer Openers; Two Point Hitch; Electric Drive with Tractor Power Generation - 8030 and 8R Series Tractors; Electric Drive MaxEmerge 5e Meter; Tru-Vee Openers with Single Walking Gauge Wheels; Mini Seed Hopper with MaxEmerge 5e Meter; Hydraulic Down Force System; Cast Iron Closing Wheels; Regular Seed Tube with AccuCount Sensor; Unit Mounted Coulter with 0.63 In. 25 Fluted Blades; Markers with 16 In. Notched Disks, Depth Gauging Bands and Control Independent of Planter Lift; Regular Parallel Arms; Tire Scraper for Liquid Fertilizer Drive Wheel (1 Scraper); ProMax 40 Flat Disks;