Detailed Description
Multi-Purpose Primary Tillage
Standard Features
16" Shank Spacing
Auto Reset Shanks / Adjustable trip
(average 2200 lbs pressure)
33” Under frame clearance
Random shank spacing
Gang shaft scrapers
The 9700 CTS is designed to reduce equipment capital and operating costs by performing so many operations with this one machine. RENT FOR $13/ACRE. The 9700 can be configured with chisel shanks and/or parabolic shanks. Salford's unique design allows you to use the CTS for top soil tillage, minimum tillage, deep tillage finishing or deep ripping, to reduce your capital costs and maintenance. The disc gang can be hydraulically raised and lowered depending on the level of residue resizing you need. The heavy 1 1/4" x 4" shanks handle the CTS's trip pressure, adjustable up to 4000 lbs. This feature also allows the CTS to pull more easily in heavy ground or if you are operating with a lower horsepower tractor.