Additional Description
Cab: Cab, Configuration: Standard, Front Axle: MFWD, Guidance Display: No, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance-ready: No, Loader: No, Options: Loader Ready, Rear PTO: 540/1000, Tire Width: Mid, Transmission: Power Reverser, Specifications: No package; PowrQuad Plus - 24/24, 40 km/h; Standard Cab; Economy Seat; Mirrors - Left-hand and Right-hand Manual Telescopic; Panorama Front Windshield; Radio (Business Radio Package); Hydraulic Pump - 114 l/min; 3 Mechanical SCVs (3 SCV 450 Series); Rear Independent 540/1000rpm PTO; Draft Links with Telescopic Ball End - Category 2; Center Link with Ball End - Category 2; Sway Control Blocks; R&P Rear Axle - 79 mm Shaft; Adjustable Cast Wheels (Cast Disk); Rear Wheels Size 480/70R34; Rear and Front Tire Brand - No preference; 4WD Front Axle - Unsuspended; Adjustable steel wheels; Front Wheels Size 380/70R24; Shipment Preparation - by Ship Overseas; Toolbox; Front Fenders 4WD - Rigid; MFWD Gear Ratio 1.553; Cold Start Package I; Heavy-Duty Rear PTO; Beacon Light; Light Package - Standard; Alternator 14V/200A; Battery 12V/174AH; Heavy Duty Rear Wheel Brakes; Powerfill Brake; Backup Alarm; Condenser Screen; Loader Ready Package - Mechanical SCV, 3 Functions;