Additional Description
Cab: Cab, Configuration: Standard, Front Axle: MFWD, Guidance Display: No, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance-ready: No, Loader: Yes, Options: Loader Ready, Rear PTO: 540/1000, Tire Width: Wide, Transmission: Power Reverser, Specifications: English Operator's Manual North America; 24F/12R PowrReverser Transmission (25mph/40kmh) - MFWD Axle; Standard Cab; Air Suspension Seat with Swivel (MSG 95); Triple Deluxe SCV with ISO Breakaway Couplers; Standard Hitch; Two Telescopic Draft Links; Standard Drawbar; Sway Bars; 460/85R38 In. 8PR R1 Radial; 380/85R24 In. 8PR R1 Radial; Tool Box; Instructional Seat; Cab with Loader View Roof; 2-Function Mechanical Independent Control Valve Loader Ready; Front Weight Support Bracket;