CLAAS Introduces the LEXION 6000 Series Straw Walker Combines
Jun 19, 2020

Video: CLAAS Introduces the LEXION 6000 Series Straw Walker Combines

CLAAS of America today announces the launch of the all-new LEXION 6000 Series straw walker combines. The new technology offers an engineered mix of efficiency, precision and convenience that excels in crops like wheat, canola and grass seed — all in a reliable and easily-maintained package.

With two new models to choose from, the new LEXION straw walker combines are designed to save time and make the job easier for farmers who want efficient separation without over threshing grain or damaging straw.


CLAAS Introduces the LEXION 6000 Series Straw Walker Combines

CLAAS Introduces the LEXION 6000 Series Straw Walker Combines

CLAAS of America today announces the launch of the all-new LEXION 6000 Series straw walker combines. The new technology offers an engineered mix of efficiency, precision and convenience that excels in crops like wheat, canola and grass seed — all in a reliable and easily-maintained package. W... More
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John Deere brings high-capacity X Series Combines to North American farmers

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