Iron Talk - Upgrade your Sprayer Pump
Jun 18, 2020

Video: Iron Talk - Upgrade your Sprayer Pump

On the farm, there are limited days you can spray. Prevent downtime on your farm by upgrading your sprayer's pump.


Iron Talk - Upgrade your Sprayer Pump

Iron Talk - Upgrade your Sprayer Pump

On the farm, there are limited days you can spray. Prevent downtime on your farm by upgrading your sprayer's pump.... More
Canola Evaluations: Stand Counts and Planting Depth

Canola Evaluations: Stand Counts and Planting Depth

In this video, Pioneer Field Agronomist Kristie Sundeen walks you through a postemergence canola evaluation and how to take a stand count to determine your plants per square foot. She shows you a few different ways to take stand counts, including the hula hoop method. Traditionally, canola only ... More
Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz

Chicken as Usual with CFO Farmer-Member and DCR Wendy Lantz | Chicken Farmer of Ontario... More
Tomato Trellising, Clipping and Pruning for Best Production

Tomato Trellising, Clipping and Pruning for Best Production

This video is a little bit of everything that we have going on in the Cherry Tomato house as well as an update on the onion and radish table we built.... More
Why don

Why don't more farmers raise pastured chicken?

Local Chicken Farmer Chad sits down and explains why more farmers don't raise pastured chicken.... More
Canadian Agricultural Partnership Agriculture Training Support Program

Canadian Agricultural Partnership Agriculture Training Support Program

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership opened the Agriculture Training Support program to support the agricultural and horticultural businesses and services to help address the impact of COVID-19. This video covers the program purpose, eligible applicants, eligible activities, and where to fi... More
Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 4: Fireside Chat with Pierre Petelle

Fireside Chats with Erin | Episode 4: Fireside Chat with Pierre Petelle

In episode 4, Erin chats with Pierre Petelle, the President and CEO of CropLife Canada. They discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian agriculture, the need for regulatory reform and modernization, and how the industry can “own the podium” in 2021.... More

DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag

DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag

Soil Compaction Maps. MY AGRO. - DOT delivery to Canadian farm Carlson Ag (20,000 ac). Olds College. Alberta, Canada... More
Putting Seed In The Ground

Putting Seed In The Ground

SaskDutch Kid - Putting Seed In The Ground... More
Mesonet Weather

Mesonet Weather

Wes Lee shows us where soil moisture is depleting. Gary McManus says parts of Oklahoma are experiencing a flash drought that may intensify.... More
Staging Corn Plants with Missing Leaves

Staging Corn Plants with Missing Leaves

Difficult growing conditions in the spring can make staging corn difficult, be sure to look for the thumb leaf when staging plants.... More
TeamViewer, Trimble Agriculture, and GPS Ontario, join forces for remote support in Agriculture

TeamViewer, Trimble Agriculture, and GPS Ontario, join forces for remote support in Agriculture

Trimble Agriculture has joined forces with Teamviewer to provide a more user friendly experience with the Newest Android displays. By installing the Teamviewer Quick Support app on the Trimble TMX-2050, XCN-2050, GFX-750, XCN-1050 and the new GFX-350 you can share your in field screen activity w... More
VanLagen Ontario Summer Haylage

VanLagen Ontario Summer Haylage

First cut haylage with John Deere equipment... More
Tour a Turkey Farm

Tour a Turkey Farm

Meet Clair and Kathryn, Ontario turkey farmer! Join us for a tour and have your questions about turkey farming answered.... More
Staging Field Pea Crops

Staging Field Pea Crops

The best window for many in-crop broadleaf herbicide options is between the 2nd and 6th node stages. Later applications can cause injury, so staging is everything! Leave out scale nodes (above or below ground) at the base of the stem and unopened stipule leaves at the top. Count true leaf nodes... More
Chicken Farmers of Canada: Here For Your Family

Chicken Farmers of Canada: Here For Your Family

Day in and day out, farmers ensure your family is fed with safe, nutritious, high-quality chicken. We do this while maintaining the health and safety of processing plant and farm workers, farmers, and the birds in our care.... More
Rolling Pulses

Rolling Pulses

Peas and lentils are rolled to help with harvest later in the growing season. Learn more about recommendations for when to roll each pulse crop. Rolling lentils helps with harvestability. Lentils can be rolled after emergence up to the fifth true leaf stage or seventh node stage. Avoid rollin... More
Two Row: From Great Barley to Great Beer | Bayer Canada

Two Row: From Great Barley to Great Beer | Bayer Canada

From the products in the field to the craft on the brewery floor, Two Row is all about what goes into growing good barley and making good beer. Join brewmaster Tavis Agnew (Freehold Brewing), barley grower Spencer Hilton (Hilton Ventures) and maltster Kyle Geeraert (Origin Brewing and Malting) a... More
Sidedressing with Nitrogen

Sidedressing with Nitrogen

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss various methods of nitrogen sidedress applications and how much to apply.... More
Foliar Fertilizer Application

Foliar Fertilizer Application

Brian and Darren Hefty share tips and ideas for a successful foliar fertilizer program.... More
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