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Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

In Cow-Calf Corner, Glenn Selk explains the importance of timing artificial insemination for a successful pregnancy in cattle.... More
Newborn piglets with their mothers in a Manitoba farrowing barn

Newborn piglets with their mothers in a Manitoba farrowing barn

Hog farmer Kenny, from the Rural Municipality of Springfield in Manitoba, submitted this video of his farrowing barn.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Calving seasons of Oklahoma

Cow-Calf Corner - Calving seasons of Oklahoma

Glenn Selk explains why producers should be careful when considering adjustments to calving seasons in Oklahoma.... More
Life without Antibiotics: Field Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Life without Antibiotics: Field Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Producers need to think long and hard before jumping into “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) poultry production, Tim Cummings, DVM, technical service veterinarian for Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
‘Causal’ Pie Chart Can Help Manage Necrotic Enteritis

‘Causal’ Pie Chart Can Help Manage Necrotic Enteritis

Use of a simple “causal” pie chart is proving to be a helpful tool for controlling necrotic enteritis (NE), Joel L. Cline, DVM, a veterinarian with Wayne Farms, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Dirty Chick Boxes Can be Source of Salmonella at Hatcheries

Dirty Chick Boxes Can be Source of Salmonella at Hatcheries

Dirty chick boxes at hatcheries can be a source of Salmonella, but the risk was still lower than expected in a study conducted at one US hatchery, according to Kathryn McCullough, a DVM candidate at North Carolina State University.... More
Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

The QX strain of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) remains the most common variant of IBV in Europe, but the prevalence of the variant 02 strain appears to be on the increase, indicate results from the Zoetis diagnostic laboratory in France.... More

Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

The effectiveness of antibiotic alternatives is going to vary among “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) production systems, and it’s up to the producers to figure out which alternatives will work in their particular operation, Greg Mathis, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Fat is Key

Fat is Key

Ronald Scott, Director of Beef Technical Innovations for Purina Animal Nutrition/Land O’ Lakes, talks about the importance of adding fat supplements to your cow herd diet.... More
Cue the Colostrum

Cue the Colostrum

Got milk? Few things are as important to a newborn calf than colostrum. Market Journal’s Mattie McIntosh tells us what exactly colostrum is and why it’s so crucial.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says cooler weather has not had much impact on cattle markets, but it has tightened producers’ margins.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Administering Injections

Cow-Calf Corner - Administering Injections

Glenn Selk explains why it is important to remember Beef Quality Assurance guidelines when administering medications while working cattle.... More
African Swine Fever Threat Cancels Pork Expo

African Swine Fever Threat Cancels Pork Expo

African swine fever does not affect humans, and requires the destruction of both live hog herds and meat harvested from the infected farm. There is no known treatment for ASF. The industry currently lacks a vaccine but biosecurity measures are holding the disease at bay.... More
Dirty Chick Boxes Can Be Source Of Salmonella At Hatcheries

Dirty Chick Boxes Can Be Source Of Salmonella At Hatcheries

Dirty chick boxes at hatcheries can be a source of Salmonella, but the risk was still lower than expected in a study conducted at one US hatchery, according to Kathryn McCullough, a DVM candidate at North Carolina State University.... More
Programming Your Cow Herd for Success

Programming Your Cow Herd for Success

Increasing evidence suggests maternal nutritional deficiencies and other environmental factors can influence fetal development during gestation. We'll look at recent Cattlemen's College session that offered insights into the concept of fetal programming.... More
Record 2018 Beef Exports Add Up for Producers

Record 2018 Beef Exports Add Up for Producers

Dan Halstrom, president and CEO, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), talks about the value of 2018 exports back to cattlemen.... More
Positive Outlook for the Beef Community

Positive Outlook for the Beef Community

Kevin Good, Vice President of Industry Relations & Analysis at CattleFax, gives insight into the 2019 outlook on beef production. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC and the American Angus Association.... More
Cattle flatulence & the environment

Cattle flatulence & the environment

We learn the facts about cattle and methane from Dave Lalman.... More
Choosing the Best Calving Season with Matt Stockton

Choosing the Best Calving Season with Matt Stockton

Dr. Matt Stockton of Nebraska Extension shares his findings on the advantages and drawbacks of particular calving seasons. He helps decide which one is right for your operation.... More
Urban Chicken Movement Requires Legislators to Learn Chicken Basics

Urban Chicken Movement Requires Legislators to Learn Chicken Basics

Legislators need to know some basics about raising chickens in response to an upsurge in the “urban chicken” trend, Nat Tablante, DVM, told Poultry Health Today.... More
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