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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Cow-Calf Corner - Udder Soundness

Cow-Calf Corner - Udder Soundness

Glenn Selk explains why it is important to track udder soundness in cows.... More
Controlling Internal Parasites with Safeguard

Controlling Internal Parasites with Safeguard

Internal parasites can be major profit robbers. See how a Mississippi operation is using Merck Safeguard as part of their de-worming strategy.... More
When To Take Cattle Off Wheat

When To Take Cattle Off Wheat

K-State wheat specialist, Romulo Lollato, explains when it's the optimum time to take cattle off of wheat fields so there is no harm done to the plant.... More
Cow-Calf Corner- the importance of maintaining nutrition

Cow-Calf Corner- the importance of maintaining nutrition

Glenn Selk explains why consistency in nutrition is important when adjusting cattle prior to the breeding season.... More
Vet Scripts - handling downer cattle

Vet Scripts - handling downer cattle

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about downer cows and why they can become this way.... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

Derrell Peel says the latest Cattle on Feed Report show there are more placements than usual.... More
Why did sow-mortality rates jump to 15%?

Why did sow-mortality rates jump to 15%?

The spike in sow-mortality rates over the past decade has prompted the US pork industry to hunt for answers. “We’ve probably got farms and systems where maybe a good [sow-mortality rate] is 10% and the industry average might be closer to 15% to 18%,” reported Chris Rademacher, DVM, extension swi... More

Record Keeping for a Record Year

Record Keeping for a Record Year

Dusty Abney, cow-calf and stocker nutritionist with Cargill Animal Health, shares the importance of keeping good records for making progress with a beef cow herd.... More
Promoting U.S. Beef

Promoting U.S. Beef

Growing beef demand is an ongoing concern for both NCBA and the Beef Checkoff. We talk with Lauren Maehling, Executive Director of the Arizona Beef Council, about some of the new ways the industry is working to promote beef to consumers.... More
Could You Be Harming Your Livestock?

Could You Be Harming Your Livestock?

Cattle producers are looking for warmer temperatures and pastures to start growing again and turn green. One forage expert said, with the return of spring, there’s something you need to know that could prove harmful to your livestock.... More
Vitamine A and Mineral Deficiencies In Cow Calves

Vitamine A and Mineral Deficiencies In Cow Calves

Steve Ensley, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory...unusual vitamin A/mineral deficiencies in cow herds this spring.... More
Markets with Dr. Scott Brown

Markets with Dr. Scott Brown

Dr. Scott Brown, University of Missouri Extension Ag Economist, is here to discuss trade, USDA’s 2019 Farm Income Forecast and the pork industry’s reaction to a new disease.... More
How the "Green New Deal" Could Impact the U.S. Beef Industry

How the "Green New Deal" Could Impact the U.S. Beef Industry

A group of left wing lawmakers has proposed something called the "Green New Deal". Colin Woodall, NCBA's Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, explains the damage this proposal could do to the U.S. Beef industry.... More
Livestock Marketing - Season peaks on the horizon

Livestock Marketing - Season peaks on the horizon

Derrell Peel says there are seasonal peaks in the cattle markets coming, and how producers can take advantage of them.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Freemartins

Cow-Calf Corner - Freemartins

Glenn Selk explains why it is important to track twins born into the herd.... More
Packer’s View on Higher Grading

Packer’s View on Higher Grading

Chad Barker, vice president of cattle procurement for National Beef, talks about what the current grading trends mean to a packer.... More
Ag Minute - Pasture Management

Ag Minute - Pasture Management

Darren Hefty explains a few ways that farmers maintain the fertility and grass growth in their pastures.... More
Hypothermia and lambs

Hypothermia and lambs

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information about how weather can impact mortality rates in lambs.... More
Beef Value ($B) Index Update

Beef Value ($B) Index Update

$B is an economic selection index value expressed in dollars per head. It predicts the expected average profitability difference due to genetics in future progeny for feedlot and carcass merit compared to progeny of other sires. $B facilitates simultaneous multi-trait genetic selection for post-... More
Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective Biosecurity Requires Addressing the Culture of a Company

Effective biosecurity on poultry farms requires developing the kind of culture that motivates everyone in the company to adhere to the procedures that protect flocks from infectious disease, Gregorio Rosales, DVM, PhD, an independent poultry consultant, told Poultry Health Today.... More
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