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Equipment Dealers Association Presents Legislative Leadership Award To Congresswoman Kristi Noem

The Equipment Dealers Association (EDA) presented its first annual Legislative Leadership Award to Congresswoman Kristi Noem of South Dakota in Washington D.C. as part of a joint legislative fly-in hosted by EDA and Associated Equipment Distributors (AED).  More than 80 members of EDA and AED are attending the fly-in, April 4-6.
One of the EDA’s core functions is advocacy for federal legislation that positively impacts how equipment dealers and their customers do business.  In recognition of the important role that our legislators play in promoting and protecting our members’ interests, EDA established the Legislative Leadership Award and is proud to present this award to Ms. Noem.
Noem’s passion for the land and agriculture began at a young age, as she was born and raised on a farm in rural Hamlin County in northeastern South Dakota, and went on to take over the farming and ranching operations in her early 20s. It was her deep understanding of how critical the agricultural industry is to her state that led her to run for public office.
“There are fewer and fewer members of Congress who represent rural districts, so explaining the ins-and-outs of an industry as highly leveraged as agriculture has its challenges,” said Noem.  “By persistently working to educate members about agriculture, we passed the 2014 Farm Bill, approved a permanent extension of Section 179, and continue to gain momentum behind the death tax’s repeal.  I am deeply grateful for this award and remain committed to overcoming the challenges that face agriculture and the industries that support it.”
“We are honored to present Rep. Noem with the Equipment Dealers Association Legislative Leadership Award during the Fly-In,” said Rick Lawhun, President and CEO of the EDA. “Our goal with this award is to recognize congressional leaders who prioritize legislation that protects, benefits and advances our mission and advocates for pro-agriculture climate, and Rep. Noem embodies all those qualities.”
Additional information about Congresswoman Noem and EDA’s Legislative Leadership Award is available here.
About Us

Founded in 1900, the Equipment Dealers Association (EDA), formerly known as the North American Equipment Dealers Association, is a non-profit trade organization representing 4,500 retail dealers extensively engaged in the sale and service of agricultural, construction, industrial, forestry, outdoor power, lawn and garden, and/or turf equipment. EDA provides essential value to its members by enhancing the dealer-manufacturer relationship and advocating for a positive legislative and regulatory environment. EDA is headquartered in St. Louis, MO and is affiliated with regional associations located throughout the United States and Canada

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