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Four Bills from House Agriculture Committee Pass in the House

Today, four bipartisan bills drafted and moved out of the House Agriculture Committee, H.R. 5290; H.R. 5608; H.R. 5609; and H.R 4489, passed in the House of Representatives.

Below are the bills which passed today and a brief description of each:

H.R. 5290 - This bill extends the authorization for Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) through September 30, 2022. It will provide American livestock producers with the certainty that USDA will continue to issue market reports that provide transparency and price discovery.
Lead Sponsor: Chairman David Scott

H.R. 5608- This bill authorizes $70 million annually for FY22-28 for research and management of chronic wasting disease, with the money to be split evenly between research and management, administered by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
Lead Sponsors: Rep. Ron Kind and Ranking Member Glenn Thompson

H.R. 5609 - This bill directs USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to establish a contract library for cattle contracts. This will provide cattle producers with more market transparency, by requiring USDA to publish reports on contracts between producers and packers for the sale of fed cattle.
Lead Sponsor: Rep. Dusty Johnson

H.R 4489 - This bill would allow the U.S. Forest Service to retain interest on settlement funds and apply those additional resources to complete necessary restoration work on lands damaged by mining activities and wildfires.
Lead Sponsors: Rep. Kim Schrier and Rep. Doug LaMalfa

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